Exciting Sightings!

May has been wonderful so far! The month has brought back some amazing birds and I couldn’t be happier! Some of the new faces are: Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks, Baltimore Orioles, Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds, Eastern Blue Birds, Gray Catbird, and Scarlet Tanager! It has been so much fun seeing all of these beautiful birds returning for the spring and summer. The Gray Catbirds are here every year, but there has never been one that has visited one of the feeders. Yesterday, one first visited the platform feeder where there is an orange and grape jelly for the Baltimore Orioles. Later I found photos of the Catbird on the bowl at the other feeder. This is exciting to finally see them up close! They are so beautiful! Today was very exciting as well, when I looked out the window just in time to see a Scarlet Tanager landing on the top of the platform feeder, hoping he would go to the lower area to have some food. A few seconds later, he jumped down and started eating the mealworms. I was aware they were in the area but this was my first sighting of the year. Last year, we had at least 3 males and 1 female that came by for a few weeks. I hope to see more of all of these awesome birds!!


Oops, it’s been a while!


Bluebird Establishing Territory?